The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of Matrix Group Publishing Inc. Contents may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Account Executives Albert Brydges, Andrew Lee, Bonnie Petrovsky (in memoriam), Brenda McPhee, Brian MacIntyre, Cheryl Klassen, Frank Kenyeres, Jim Hamilton, Jon Beroud, Julie Welsh, Marlyn Beek, Michael Coutu, Rob Gibson, Sandra Kirby, Tanina Di Piazza, Tenisha Myke Advertising Design James Robinson Layout & Design Kayti Taylor ©2020 Matrix Group Publishing Inc. 309 Youville Street, Winnipeg, MB R2H 2S9 Toll-free: (866) 999-1299 Toll-free fax: (866) 244-2544 Canada Post Mail Publications Agreement Number: 40609661 President & CEO Jack Andress Operations Manager Shoshana Weinberg Publishers Jessica Potter, Julie Welsh Editor-in-Chief Shannon Savory Senior Editor Alexandra Kozub Editors Jenna Collignon, Kaitlin Vitt Finance/Administration Lloyd Weinberg, Nathan Redekop Director of Circulation & Distribution Lloyd Weinberg Sales Manager – Winnipeg Neil Gottfred Sales Manager – Hamilton Jeff Cash Sales Team Leader Colleen Bell Matrix Group Publishing Inc.
PHOTO CREDIT: Maxwel Hohn, DiveSafe International contents UP FRONT 7 A Message from the President of the CADC 8 Notes from the Executive Director of the CADC 9 Why You Should Be a Part of the CADC 11 Become a Member ON THE COVER 14 Diving Operations in a COVID-19 Environment: A Guideline & FAQs 17 The DCBC Responds to COVID-19 20 Staying Healthy: Cleaning & Sanitizing Dive Equipment FEATURE STORIES 23 Time Capsules of War: The Bell Island Shipwrecks - Royal Canadian Navy Clearance Diving Operations Seven Decades Later 26 Occupational Diving: 50 Years of Professional Safety Standards 28 Hiring the Professional Diving Contractor: The Bottom Line CADC MEMBER PROJECT SPOTLIGHT 30 Galcon Marine Ltd.: More Than Just a Diving Contractor IMAGES OF INNOVATION 32 Our Members at Work NEWS 33 CADC Membership Listings 34 Index to Advertisers CADC Magazine Published for: The Canadian Association of Diving Contractors 6382 Coachford Way Mississauga, Ontario L5N 3V8 Doug Elsey, P.Eng., Executive Director Phone: (905) 542-7410 | Fax: (905) 567-6703 Printed by: Matrix Group Publishing Inc.

Our cover shot features a diver, their eyes locked on the reader, looking ahead to the future as we navigate “the new normal” of working in a COVID-19 environment.

Canada Post Mail Publications Agreement Number: 40609661 MagazineMagazine The official The official magazine of magazine of the Canadian the Canadian Association of Association of Diving ContractorsDiving Contractors CADCCADC Summer 2020Summer 2020 Guidelines For COVID-19 COVID-19 ENVIRONMENTENVIRONMENT OCCUPATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL DIVING OPERATIONSDIVING OPERATIONS in a INSIDE: Time Capsules of War: The Bell Island Shipwrecks Choosing a Diving Company: What You Need to KnowThe Canadian Association of Diving Contractors 5 ON THE COVER: This issue’s three-part cover story takes an in-depth look at how the novel coronavirus has impacted our industry.